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Absolute Value Functions

An absolute value function is a function that contains an algebraic expression within absolute value symbols. Recall that the absolute value of a number is its distance from 0 on the number line.

The absolute value parent function, written as f( x )=| x | , is defined as

f( x )={ x      if  x>0 0      if  x=0 x   if  x<0

To graph an absolute value function, choose several values of x and find some ordered pairs.

x y=| x |
−2 2
−1 1
0 0
1 1
2 2

Plot the points on a coordinate plane and connect them.

Observe that the graph is V-shaped.

( 1 ) The vertex of the graph is ( 0,0 ) .

( 2 ) The axis of symmetry ( x=0 or y -axis) is the line that divides the graph into two congruent halves.

( 3 ) The domain is the set of all real numbers.

( 4 ) The range is the set of all real numbers greater than or equal to 0 . That is, y0 .

( 5 ) The x -intercept and the y -intercept are both 0 .

Vertical Shift

To translate the absolute value function f( x )=| x | vertically, you can use the function

g( x )=f( x )+k .

When k>0 , the graph of g( x ) translated k units up.

When k<0 , the graph of g( x ) translated k units down.

Horizontal Shift

To translate the absolute value function f( x )=| x | horizontally, you can use the function

g( x )=f( xh ) .

When h>0 , the graph of f( x ) is translated h units to the right to get g( x ) .

When h<0 , the graph of f( x ) is translated h units to the left to get g( x ) .

Stretch and Compression

The stretching or compressing of the absolute value function y=| x |  is defined by the function y=a| x |  where a is a constant. The graph opens up if a>0  and opens down when a<0 .

For absolute value equations multiplied by a constant (for example, y=a| x |) ,if 0<a<1 , then the graph is compressed, and if a>1 , it is stretched. Also, if a is negative, then the graph opens downward, instead of upwards as usual.

More generally, the form of the equation for an absolute value function is y=a| xh |+k . Also:

  • The vertex of the graph is ( h,k ) .
  • The domain of the graph is set of all real numbers and the range is yk  when a>0 .
  • The domain of the graph is set of all real numbers and the range is yk  when a<0 .
  • The axis of symmetry is x=h .
  • It opens up if a>0  and opens down if a<0 .
  • The graph y=| x |  can be translated h units horizontally and k units vertically to get the graph of y=a| xh |+k .
  • The graph y=a| x |  is wider than the graph of y=| x | if | a |<1  and narrower if | a |>1 .