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Absolute Value Inequalities

An absolute value inequality is an inequality that has an absolute value sign with a variable inside.

Absolute Value Inequalities ( < ):

The inequality | x | < 4 means that the distance between x and 0 is less than 4 .

So, x > 4 AND x < 4 . The solution set is { x | 4 < x < 4 } .

When solving absolute value inequalities, there are two cases to consider.

Case 1 : The expression inside the absolute value symbols is positive.

Case 2 : The expression inside the absolute value symbols is negative.

The solution is the intersection of the solutions of these two cases.

In other words, for any real numbers a and b , if | a | < b , then a < b AND a > b .

Example 1 :

Solve and graph.

| x 7 | < 3

To solve this sort of inequality, we need to break it into a compound inequality .

x 7 < 3 and x 7 > 3 .

3 < x 7 < 3

Add 7 to each expression.

3 + 7 < x 7 + 7 < 3 + 7 4 < x < 10

The graph looks like this:

Absolute Value Inequalities ( > ):

The inequality | x | > 4 means that the distance between x and 0 is greater than 4 .

So, x < 4 OR x > 4 . The solution set is { x | x < 4  or  x > 4 } .

When solving absolute value inequalities, there are two cases to consider.

Case 1 : The expression inside the absolute value symbols is positive.

Case 2 : The expression inside the absolute value symbols is negative.

In other words, for any real numbers a and b , if | a | > b , then a > b AND a < b .

Example 2 :

Solve and graph.

| x + 2 | 4

Split into two inequalities.

x + 2 4   OR   x + 2 4

Subtract 2 from each sides of each inequality.

x 2   OR   x 6

The graph looks like this: