Varsity Tutors always has a different AP Spanish Question of the Day ready at your disposal! If you’re just looking to get a quick review into your busy day, our AP Spanish Question of the Day is the perfect option. Answer enough of our AP Spanish Question of the Day problems and you’ll be ready to ace the next test. Check out what today’s AP Spanish Question of the Day is below.

You can use the AP Spanish Language and Culture Question of the Day to get into the habit of thinking about Spanish Language and Culture content on a daily basis when studying for the AP exam. Varsity Tutors' AP Spanish Language and Culture Questions of the Day are drawn from each topic and question type covered on the AP Spanish Language and Culture exam.


Question of the Day: AP Spanish

Estimado Alejandro,

Le escribo este correo electrónico para avisarle que vi su anuncio en el periódico y estoy muy interesado en el departamento.  En cuanto a sus requísitos, debo decir que creo que sería el mejor compañero de cuarto que usted ha tenido en su vida.  No fumo, no tomo alcohol, y no tengo mascotas.  Además, no me gustan las fiestas.  No tendrá que preocuparse por el ruido en la casa.  Para mí es muy importante mantener la paz y armonía dentro del hogar.

Trabajo de lunes a viernes desde las 8:00 de la mañana hasta las 6:00 de la tarde.  Me gustaría ir a ver el departamento fuera de esas horas, pero no puedo ir a verlo el sábado, porque ese día voy a ver a mi hermano y mostrarle la ciudad.

Avísame si usted está interesado en conocerme.  Espero que me considere como su nuevo compañero de cuarto.


Juan Maldonado

¿Qué busca Alejandro según esta respuesta a su anuncio?

Alejandro busca a alguien que vaya a limpiar su departamento.

Alejandro busca algún deporte organizado al que puede unirse.

Alejandro quiere hacer nuevos amigos.

Alejandro busca novia.

Alejandro busca un compañero de cuarto.

After you take Spanish in high school, and you’ve become enamored with the language, you may want to continue into college course-level language classes. AP Spanish is a great choice for students like you who have discovered a deep love of Spanish as a living language, or who wish to become fluent in Spanish as part of their career trajectory. When you take the step in high school to take college-level classes, you take a big intellectual step as well. However, you are also concerned about the AP Spanish exam at the end of the semester. This is where Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools Question of the Day can be a great resource for your test preparation.

No matter how much you love the Spanish language, you may not take tests very well. Even if you are a great test-taker, you still need to have the right study aids available to you. Fortunately, the Learning Tools offer several great ways for you to study consistently, instead of cramming for your exam at the last minute and feeling burdened by the stress. Daily test preparation helps you avoid the sudden adrenaline rush at the end of the semester.

The Question of the Day updates each day of the week, offering new ways to review written Spanish and get accustomed to complex written grammar. Through writing, you can experience the difference in colloquial spoken and formal written grammar, which is a distinction between all living languages. Conversational practice is extremely important, but when you’re in a Spanish-speaking country, you must be able to interpret written signs, menus, informational packets, newspapers, and much more. By testing your written understanding of Spanish, you will be able to figure out which areas of the language you need to focus on most.

You can also use the Question of the Day study tool to help you perfect your daily test review. You can compare your answers to previous Questions of the Day, so you can see which areas of vocabulary or grammar are stronger or weaker for you. You can also compare how well other AP Spanish students answer questions compared to you, and discover how you rank nationally.

Best of all, the Question of the Day has a countdown timer feature. There are two basic sections of the AP Spanish exam, and the first section is multiple-choice. You will have 95 minutes to answer 65 questions about the Spanish language, which gives you about one and a half minutes to read and answer each question involving complex romance grammar and vocabulary. When you use the free AP Spanish practice questions through Question of the Day, you will feel the pressure of being timed, but you will also be able to see how your time changes as you study more, and become more proficient with the language. Soon, you’ll be able to answer questions in complex tenses with difficult vocabulary with time to spare!

Use the AP Spanish Question of the Day to enhance your test review, but check out the other test preparation methods that are offered through Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools as well. Practice tests, flashcards, and Learn by Concept are all available to assist you on your journey to taking the AP Spanish exam.

Learning Tools by Varsity Tutors