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Circles: Area

A circle is the set of all points in a plane at a given distance (called the radius ) from a given point (called the center.)

A line segment connecting two points on the circle and going through the center is called a diameter of the circle.

Circle showing radius and diameter

Clearly, if d represents the length of a diameter and r represents the length of a radius, then d = 2 r .

The circumference C of a circle is the distance around the outside. For any circle, this length is related to the radius r by the equation

C = 2 π r

where π (pronounced " pi ") is an irrational constant approximately equal to 3.14 .

The area of a circle is given the formula

A = π r 2 .

Example 1:

What is the area of a circular table with diameter 6 ft?

Given that, the diameter of the circular table is 6 ft.

So, the radius of the circular table is half of the diameter. That is, radius is 3 ft.

Use the formula for area of a circle, A = π r 2 , where r is the radius of the circle.

Substitute 3 for r in the formula.

A = π ( 3 ) 2 = π ( 9 ) 28.26

Therefore, the area of the circular table is about 28.26  ft 2


Example 2:

What is the area of the shaded region in the figure shown?

It's clearly marked that the larger circle has a radius 11 cm. So, its area is

A large circle = π r 2 = π ( 11 ) 2 = 121 π 379.94  cm 2

What about the smaller circle? Well, the distance from the center to edge is 11 cm; the diameter of the smaller circle is 11 4 = 7 cm. So, the radius of the smaller circle is 3.5 cm.

A small circle = π r 2 = π ( 3.5 ) 2 = 12.25 π 39.47  cm 2

To get the area of the shaded region, subtract the area of the smaller circle from the area of the larger circle.

379.94 38.47 = 341.47

Therefore, the area of the shaded region is about 341.47  cm 2 .