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Equivalent Expressions

Consider the expressions 3 2 + 1 and 5 × 2 . Both are equal to 10 . That is, they are equivalent expressions.

Now let us consider some expressions that include variables, say 5 x + 2 .

The expression can be rewritten as 5 x + 2 = x + x + x + x + x + 1 + 1 .

We can re-group the right side of the equation to 2 x + 3 x + 1 + 1 or x + 4 x + 2 or some other combination. All these expressions have the same value, whenever the same value is substituted for x . That is, they are equivalent expressions.

Two expressions are said to be equivalent if they have the same value irrespective of the value of the variable(s) in them.

Example 1:

Are the two expressions 2 y + 5 y 5 + 8 and 7 y + 3 equivalent? Explain your answer.

Combine the like terms of the first expression.

Here, the terms 2 y and 5 y are like terms. So, add their coefficients. 2 y + 5 y = 7 y .

Also, 5 and 8 can be combined to get 3 .

Thus, 2 y + 5 y 5 + 8 = 7 y + 3 .

Therefore, the two expressions are equivalent.

Example 2:

Are the two expressions 6 ( 2 a + b ) and 12 a + 6 b equivalent? Explain your answer.

Use the Distributive Law to expand the first expression.

6 ( 2 a + b ) = 6 × 2 a + 6 × b = 12 a + 6 b

Therefore, the two expressions are equivalent.

Example 3:

Check whether the two expressions 2 x + 3 y and 2 y + 3 x equivalent.

The first expression is the sum of 2 x 's and 3 y 's whereas the second one is the sum of 3 x 's and 2 y 's.

Let us evaluate the expressions for some values of x and y . Take x = 0 and y = 1 .

2 ( 0 ) + 3 ( 1 ) = 0 + 3 = 3 2 ( 1 ) + 3 ( 0 ) = 2 + 0 = 2

So, there is at least one pair of values of the variables for which the two expressions are not the same.

Therefore, the two expressions are not equivalent.

Example 4:

Check whether the two expressions 3 × m × m m and m + m + m equivalent.

Consider the first expression for any non-zero values of the variable.

Cancel the common terms.

3 × m × m m = 3 m

Combine the like terms of the second expression.

m + m + m = 3 m

So, 3 × m × m m = m + m + m when m 0 .

When m = 0 , the expression 3 × m × m m is not defined.

That is, the expressions are equivalent except when m = 0 . They are not equivalent in general.