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Geometric Sequences

A geometric sequence is a sequence of numbers in which the ratio between consecutive terms is constant.

We can write a formula for the n th term of a geometric sequence in the form

a n = a r n ,

where r is the common ratio between successive terms.

Example 1:

{ 2 , 6 , 18 , 54 , 162 , 486 , 1458 , ... }

is a geometric sequence where each term is 3 times the previous term.

A formula for the n th term of the sequence is

a n = 2 3 ( 3 ) n

Example 2:

{ 12 , 6 , 3 , 3 2 , 3 4 , 3 8 , 3 16 , ... }

is a geometric series where each term is 1 2 times the previous term.

A formula for the n th term of this sequence is

a n = 24 ( 1 2 ) n

Example 3:

{ 1 , 2 , 6 , 24 , 120 , 720 , 5040 , ... }

is not a geometric sequence. The first ratio is 2 1 = 2 , but the second ratio is 6 2 = 3 .

No formula of the form

a n = a r n can be written for this sequence.

See also arithmetic sequences .