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To understand logarithms, you should first understand exponents because a logarithm is an exponent.

Finding a logarithm (base b ) of a number is like answering the question:

To what power do I have to raise b to get this number?

Or, in math notation:

log b a = x means b x = a


log 7 49 = 2 , since 7 2 = 49

log 2 32 = 5 , since 2 5 = 32

log 10 0.01 = 2 , since 10 2 = 0.01

This can be a little confusing. Remember that the base in the logarithm equation (the small subscripted number) is also the base in the power equation (the number raised to the power), and they stay on the left side.

In real life, we usually only use two bases: log 10 , also called the common logarithm , and log e , where e 2.71828 , also called the natural logarithm .

log 10 x is usually written log x , with the base understood to be 10 log e x is written ln x .

See also: Simplifying Logarithmic Expressions