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Natural Logarithm

The natural logarithm of a number x is the logarithm to the base e , where e is the mathematical constant approximately equal to 2.718 . It is usually written using the shorthand notation ln x , instead of log e x as you might expect . You can rewrite a natural logarithm in exponential form as follows:

ln x = a e a = x

Example 1:

Find ln 7 .

On a scientific calculator, you can simply press [ 7 ] followed by [ ln ] to get the answer: approximately 1.946 .

The exponential form of the equation you're solving is

e a = 7 2.718 1.954 7

Example 2:

Solve the equation. Round to the nearest thousandth.

ln x = 5.5

First, rewrite the equation in exponential form.

e 5.5 = x

Use a calculator. (Most scientific calculators have a button which gives a good approximation for e ; if yours doesn't have one, use 2.71828 .)

x 0.004

The usual properties of logarithms are also true for the natural logarithm.

Example 3:


ln ( 3 q ) 2

The following property lets you simplify logarithms of a power:

log b x y = y log b x


ln ( 3 q ) 2 = 2 ln ( 3 q )

Now use the property that the log of a product is equal to the sum of the logs.

log b x y = log b x + log b y


2 ln ( 3 q ) = 2 ( ln 3 + ln q ) 2.197 + 2 ln q

The graph of the logarithmic function f ( x ) = ln x (shown in blue, below) looks similar to the graphs of related functions g ( x ) = log 2 x or h ( x ) = log x (remember that if no base is written, the base of the logairthm is understood to be 10 ).

The function has an asymptote at x = 0 and an x -intercept at ( 1 , 0 ) . It passes through the points ( 1 e , 1 ) and ( e , 1 ) .