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Operations with Negatives

Adding and Subtracting with Negatives

The first thing to know is that x and its additive inverse, x , add up to zero. So:

999 + 999 = 0 2.5 + ( 2.5 ) = 0 1 + ( 1 ) = 0

Number Line Method

Start at 0 . When you add a positive number, or subtract a negative number, move to the right .

When you add a negative number, or subtract a positive number, move to the left .

Multiplying and Dividing with Negatives

Multiplying with Negatives

The product of two numbers with the same sign is positive. The product of two numbers with different signs is negative.


( 3 ) ( 7 ) = 21 ( 3 ) ( 7 ) = 21

Dividing with Negatives

The quotient of two numbers with the same sign is positive. The quotient of two numbers with different signs is negative.


56 ÷ ( 7 ) = 8 56 ÷ ( 7 ) = 8

See also: Adding and Subtracting with Negatives and Multiplying and Dividing with Negatives