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Order of Operations

In mathematics the order of operations is a collection of rules that define which procedures to perform first, so that when we evaluate a given mathematical expression, we will all come up with the same answer.

1 st : Do any calculations inside p arentheses or other grouping symbols, starting with the innermost and working out.

2 nd : Simplify any e xponential expressions.

3 rd : Work all m ultiplications and d ivisions, from left to right, as they appear.

4 th : Work all a dditions and s ubtractions, from left to right, as they appear.    

So you don't get confused, remember PEMDAS which stands for Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication-Division, Addition-Subtraction.

In California, we say P owerful E arthquakes M ay D eliver A fter- S hocks. 

Example :

Simplify 3 + 2 × ( 5 7 ) 2 .

Do the operation in parenthesis first.

      = 3 + 2 × ( 2 ) 2

Then evaluate the exponent. Since the negative sign is inside the parenthesis, this means ( 2 ) × ( 2 ) .

      = 3 + 2 × 4

Multiply, and then add.

      = 3 + 8

      = 11

Be especially careful with problems like the following.

  ( 3 × 4 ) 2 = 12 2 = 144 because parentheses come before exponents, BUT 3 × 4 2 = 48 because exponents come before multiplication.

  ( 4 ) 2 = ( 4 ) ( 4 ) = 16 BUT 4 × 4 = 16

  3 + 4 ( 5 + 6 ) 7 ( 5 + 6 ) because parenthesis is the operation to start with.

 So, 3 + 4 ( 5 + 6 ) = 3 + 4 ( 11 ) = 3 + 44 = 47 .

Also, be careful with fractions. The fraction bar acts like a grouping symbol, so simplify the numerator and denominator first.

  5 + 4 8 5 = 9 3 = 3

You can think of it this way: if you rewrote the fraction on one line, using the division symbol, you would need parentheses.

  5 + 4 8 5 = ( 5 + 4 ) ÷ ( 8 5 ) = 9 ÷ 3 = 3