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Properties of Addition

The following are the properties of addition for real numbers. Some textbooks list just a few of them, others list them all. They may have slightly different names in your textbook.

Identity Property

There is a unique real number 0 such that for every real number a ,

a + 0 = a and 0 + a = a

Zero is called the identity element of addition.

Commutative Property

For all real numbers a and b ,

a + b = b + a

The order in which you add two numbers does not change the result.

Associative Property

For all real numbers a , b , and c ,

( a + b ) + c = a + ( b + c )

When you add three real numbers, the grouping (or association) of the numbers does not change the result.

Property of Opposites

For all real number a , there is a unique real number a such that

a + ( a ) = 0 and ( a ) + a = 0

A number and its opposite are called additive inverses of each other because their sum is zero.

Property of Opposite of a Sum

For all real numbers a and b ,

( a + b ) = ( a ) + ( b )

The opposite of a sum of real numbers is equal to the sum of the opposites.