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Properties of Multiplication

The following are the properties of multiplication for real numbers. Some textbooks list just a few of them, others list them all. They may have slightly different names in your textbook.

Identity Property

There is a unique real number 1 such that for every real number a ,

a 1 = a and 1 a = a

One is called the identity element of multiplication.

Inverse Property

For all non-zero real numbers a , a 1 a = 1 and 1 a a = 1 .

1 a is the reciprocal of a .

1 a is also called the multiplicative inverse of a .

Multiplicative Property of Zero

For every real number a ,

a 0 = 0 and 0 a = 0

Commutative Property

For all real numbers a and b ,

a b = b a

The order in which you multiply two real numbers does not change the result.

Associative Property

For all real numbers a , b , and c ,

( a b ) c = a ( b c )

When you multiply any three real numbers, the grouping (or association) of the numbers does not change the result.

Multiplicative Property of 1

For all real numbers a and b ,

a ( 1 ) = a and ( 1 ) a = a

Property of Opposites in Products

For every real number a ,

( a ) b = a b , a ( b ) = a b , and

( a ) ( b ) = a b