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Quadratic Function

The general form of a quadratic function is f ( x ) = a x 2 + b x + c . The graph of a quadratic function is a parabola , a type of 2 -dimensional curve.

The "basic" parabola, y = x 2 , looks like this:

The function of the coefficient a in the general equation is to make the parabola "wider" or "skinnier", or to turn it upside down (if negative):

If the coefficient of x 2 is positive, the parabola opens up; otherwise it opens down.

The Vertex

The vertex of a parabola is the point at the bottom of the " U " shape (or the top, if the parabola opens downward).

The equation for a parabola can also be written in "vertex form":

y = a ( x h ) 2 + k

In this equation, the vertex of the parabola is the point ( h , k ) .

You can see how this relates to the standard equation by multiplying it out:

y = a ( x h ) ( x h ) + k

y = a x 2 2 a h x + a h 2 + k

The coefficient of x here is 2 a h . This means that in the standard form, y = a x 2 + b x + c , the expression

b 2 a

gives the x -coordinate of the vertex.


Find the vertex of the parabola.

y = 3 x 2 + 12 x 12

Here, a = 3 and b = 12 . So, the x -coordinate of the vertex is:

12 2 ( 3 ) = 2

Substituting in the original equation to get the y -coordinate, we get:

y = 3 ( 2 ) 2 + 12 ( 2 ) 12

= 24

So, the vertex of the parabola is at ( 2 , 24 ) .

The Axis of Symmetry

The axis of symmetry of a parabola is the vertical line through the vertex. For a parabola in standard form, y = a x 2 + b x + c , the axis of symmetry has the equation

x = b 2 a

Note that b 2 a is also the x -coordinate of the vertex of the parabola.


Find the axis of symmetry.

y = 2 x 2 + x 1

Here, a = 2 and b = 1 . So, the axis of symmetry is the vertical line

x = 1 4


You can find the y -intercept of a parabola simply by entering 0 for x . If the equation is in standard form, then you can just take c as the y -intercept. For instance, in the above example:

y = 2 ( 0 ) 2 + ( 0 ) 1 = 1

So the y -intercept is 1 .

The x -intercepts are a bit trickier. You can use factoring , or completing the square , or the quadratic formula to find these (if they exist!).

Domain and Range

As with any function, the domain of a quadratic function f ( x ) is the set of x -values for which the function is defined, and the range is the set of all the output values (values of f ).

Quadratic functions generally have the whole real line as their domain: any x is a legitimate input. The range is restricted to those points greater than or equal to the y -coordinate of the vertex (or less than or equal to, depending on whether the parabola opens up or down).