Rare Images

Free Downloads of Rare Images

Rare and hard-to-find images featuring the people, places and events of early America's historic past are available here at no charge.
Many of the images in our Early American Digital Library are unique and one-of-a-kind. Most are from engravings produced 200 to 250 years ago from the original paintings and drawings. To access the library's images please search the categories below. Instructions on how to download the images to your computer appear on each page of images. Teachers, students and educators use the images for school projects, including posters, school websites, Power Point presentations and to embellish written assignments. In addition to educators and their students, aficionados of America's early years also use our images in their pursuit of knowledge of this important time in American history. In all cases permission to use these images is granted for personal use only. Commercial use of these images is strictly prohibited. In exchange we would appreciate a credit line "Courtesy of the Early American Library" and a link to this page: http://www.varsitytutors.com/earlyamerica/rare-images Because the ravages of time threaten the loss of historic images from the past, we have embarked on a program of preserving and archiving images of the original engravings from this era. This effort continues to provide new additions to the library. We believe greater exposure to scenes from America's early beginnings can create an awareness and better understanding of this country's historical roots.
These same images are also available for commercial use in a high resolution format. Clients who license our images include publishers, film production companies and graphic design studios. Please refer to our Licensing Fees and Terms and Conditions.

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