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Triangle Angle Bisector Theorem

An angle bisector of an angle of a triangle divides the opposite side in two segments that are proportional to the other two sides of the triangle.

By the Angle Bisector Theorem,

B D D C = A B A C


Draw B E A D .

Extend C A ¯ to meet B E at point E .

By the Side-Splitter Theorem,

C D D B = C A A E ---------( 1 )

The angles 4 and 1 are corresponding angles.

So, 4 1 .

Since A D ¯ is a angle bisector of the angle C A B , 1 2 .

By the Alternate Interior Angle Theorem , 2 3 .

Therefore, by transitive property, 4 3 .

Since the angles 3 and 4 are congruent , the triangle Δ A B E is an isosceles triangle with A E = A B .

Replacing AE by AB in equation ( 1 ),

C D D B = C A A B


Find the value of x .

By Triangle-Angle-Bisector Theorem,

A B B C = A D D C .


5 12 = 3.5 x

Cross multiply.

5 x = 42

Divide both sides by 5 .

5 x 5 = 42 5 x = 8.4

The value of x is 8.4 .