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How soon do you want to begin tutoring?

Which subjects would you like to tutor/teach?

Select all that apply:

Open book icon

Select your strongest subjects from the list provided. These are the most popular subjects with our learners!

What additional subjects would you like to tutor/teach?

List all that apply.

Which of these languages do you feel comfortable tutoring in?

These should be languages that you speak fluently.

What student age group(s) are you interested in tutoring/teaching?

Select all that apply:

Waving hand icon

Get paired with students best suited to your teaching style and preferences.

Do you have experience tutoring or teaching students with the following special needs?

Select all that apply:

Bar graph showing improvement over time

We understand that students with learning differences have unique needs. Our Live Learning Platform provides specialized tools for tutors to meet students where they are.

What best describes your level of education?

Select all that apply:

(We'll ask for documentation if you are offered a contract.)
Icon of a laptop with a feminine avatar on the screen

Our powerful Live Learning Platform has tons of available features designed to enhance the tutoring experience.

Education Information

With Small Group Classes, School@Home, 1-on-1 Tutoring, and more, you have several ways to earn on the platform.

Education Information

With Small Group Classes, School@Home, 1-on-1 Tutoring, and more, you have several ways to earn on the platform.

Education Information

With Small Group Classes, School@Home, 1-on-1 Tutoring, and more, you have several ways to earn on the platform.

Do you have prior tutoring or teaching experience?

This is not a requirement. Experts with a variety of backgrounds have been quite successful on our platform.

Be your own boss, make your own schedule, and choose which opportunities to take on.

How many years of tutoring experience do you have?

I am thrilled to be part of the Varsity Tutors platform. The personalization I can implement to meet learners' needs really makes this a special teaching experience!

— Krystal S., Writing Tutor

Feminine Cartoon Avatar
How many years of classroom teaching experience do you have?

Include any student teaching experience.

Icon of a piece of paper with an ordered list

Students have access to adaptive assessments and can share results to help you decide where to focus.

Are you currently a classroom teacher?

This includes both in-person and online teachers.

Illustration of a stack of money

Enjoy competitive rates and get paid up to twice per week.

Do you have a teaching certificate?

Respond "Yes" even if your certificate has expired.

Our platform has helped countless current and former teachers focus on what they love. . . helping students learn.

Select the level your certification applies to:

Select all that apply:

Accept on-demand tutoring sessions whenever you’d like with Instant Tutoring.

How many hours per week are you interested in tutoring/teaching?

Varsity Tutors has allowed me to show my strengths as an educator. I can plan out my entire day with classes that I really want to teach.

— Serena P., Computer Game Design Tutor

Personal Information

Please use your name as displayed on your government-issued identification.

I truly enjoy coming up with engaging learning experiences for my students. We've been able to learn about things well beyond common core and extend their own curiosity.

— Christina S., Learning Differences Tutor

cartoon image of woman with their hair in a bun
Thank you for your interest in Varsity Tutors.

Unfortunately we are not able to offer contracts in your area at this time.

Tutoring was supposed to be an 'in-between job' for me. Since starting with Varsity Tutors, it has become a passion. The freedom to build my own curriculum is what makes this the right platform for me.

— Faith, Maths & Science Expert

Why work with us?

Earn extra money

We make it easy to earn some extra money doing what you love. And when it comes to finding new clients, we do it for you.

  • Work as little or as much as you want.

  • Supplement your income or make it a full-time job.

  • We simplify the payment process so you can focus on teaching.

Work from home

Teach students online from anywhere using our purpose-built Live Learning Platform–designed to create truly engaging experiences.

  • Conveniently tutor or teach from wherever you feel most at ease.

  • Expand your client base to include students from around the world.

  • Advance learning with video chat, collaborative workspaces, and more.

Make a difference

We're in this to transform how people learn and to provide students with a truly personalized education. Join us.

  • Get paired with students based on over 100 matching criteria.

  • Better understand a student's proficiency by using adaptive assessments.

  • Get better results using tools based on the latest learning science.

Let's transform learning.

Job Description

Why join our platform?

• Enjoy competitive rates and get paid 2x per week.
• Choose to tutor as much or as little as you want.
• Set your own hours and schedule.
• Get paired with students best suited to your teaching style and preferences (from thousands of potential clients).
• Tutor online (i.e. “work remotely”) using our purpose-built Live Learning Platform.
• Students can take adaptive assessments through the platform and share results to help you decide where to focus.
• We collect payment from the customers, so all you have to do is invoice the session.

What We Look For In a Tutor

• You have excellent communication skills and a friendly, approachable personality.
• You can show subject-matter expertise in Writing.
• You have the ability to personalize lessons for each student.

Discover all the ways you can reach students through the online platform:

• 1-on-1 Online Tutoring: connect with an individual student for a highly personalized learning experience.
• Small Group Classes: meet with small groups (typically 7-9 students) for a more collaborative learning experience.
• Large Live Classes: share your knowledge with hundreds of students at a time. • Instant Tutoring: accept subject-specific, on-demand tutoring sessions whenever you’d like.

About Varsity Tutors And 1-on-1 Online Tutoring

Our mission is to transform the way people learn. We do this by leveraging advanced technology, AI, and the latest in learning science to facilitate a personalized learning experience. With 1-on-1 Online Tutoring, individual students are connected with tutors for a highly personalized learning experience. We believe our thoughtful approach to matching students with the right tutors can improve outcomes, and we look forward to connecting you with students hungry to learn.

Proudly partnering with i-teachers to identify the best tutors.